These are Estangia bilobata trilobites from the Lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Estangia is the most common fossil found in the Emu Bay Shale. However, these came from the outcrop of Emu Bay Shale at Emu Bay, and not from the more famous site further along the coast that contains exceptionally preserved fossils such as Anomalocaris and Myoscolex. (The Emu Bay Shale outcrops at two locations on Kangaroo Island)
These little critters show the difference between the two depositional sites. The site with exceptional preservation shows evidence - palaeontological (whole specimens, low diversity) sedimentological (fine grained sediments), and chemical (evidence of reducing environment-enriched trace elements) - of a low energy, low oxygen environment conducive to exceptional preservation.
On the other hand at Emu Bay the site shows evidence of a higher energy, higher oxygen depositional environment. This is because the sediments show more interbedded sands and silts (coarser grained therefore higher energy), oxidating environment-enriched trace elements, and the fossils do not show exceptional preservation, and are fragmented.
In the example above, the fossils assemblage comprises the heads of three Estangia trilobites (the lower one is both turned over and spun through 180 degrees). The heads are not complete. The sides of the head - the librigena (or the free cheeks) are missing. This shows that the heads represent molts.
Trilobites are arthropods and so have to molt the outer exoskeleton in order to grow. To do this, they have special lines of weakness in the exoskeleton called sutures. When the trilobite molts, these suture lines break apart, allowing the trilobite to leave the exoskeleton. These sutures are particularly obvious on the head where they run from the margin down to the eye, around the eye and then back out to either the side margin or the back margin.
In this case the suture lines are opisthoparian,

as they run from the eye to the back of the head rather than out to the side They run along the eye so that the eyes will be the first thing to break out of the old exoskeleton - allowing the trilobite to keep its vision while the molting process continues. This results in the librigena breaking away from the head. Often the molting process breaks the attachment between the head and the rest of the body, resulting in the head becoming detached from the rest of the body.
Since these fossils comprise the cranidium only (head minus the librigena), this indicates that they are molts and that they have been sorted by currents that have separated them from the body and librigena.

Here the head and body is present. However, it is still a molt because the librigena have been freed from the head. In this specimen, the right librigena (outlined) is still associated with the body but has moved some distance away, and is both turned over and spun through 180 degrees so the the spine (that normally points backwards) now points forwards.
So the three in the top image represent a disarticulated random grouping, and have not been caught in flagrante delicto. So move along . . . nothing to see here . ..
Diagram credit:
Trilobite Facial Sutures